


Tomotetsu Bus (route bus)

A bus company in Fukuyama City, located at the southeastern end of Hiroshima Prefecture, operating mainly in the direction of Tomonoura, Numakuma Peninsula, Onomichi, and Mihara.

Tomotetsu Bus (route bus)
Tomotetsu Bus (route bus)
Tomotetsu Bus (route bus)

37minutes by bus


“Tomo no Ura” is an important place in the Seto Inland Sea area that conveys the prosperity of the Edo period. The night light called “Johyato” standing at the innermost part of the bay that draws a beautiful arc is the symbol of the port.


6minutes on foot

Fukuzenji Taichoro

This is the place where Ryoma Sakamoto and the Kaientai actually negotiated with the Kishu clan during the “Irohamaru Incident”. You can see the beautiful scenery that has not changed since the Edo period, which has fascinated many people.

Fukuzenji Taichoro
Fukuzenji Taichoro
Fukuzenji Taichoro

5minutes on foot

Tomoshichikyo Ochi
Ruins/Ota Residence

The residence has the dignity as a merchant house with majestic arrangement of the buildings, including designs of checkered earthen floor of the main building and the wickerwork ceiling and stucco wall.

Tomoshichikyo Ochi Ruins/Ota Residence
Tomoshichikyo Ochi Ruins/Ota Residence
Tomoshichikyo Ochi Ruins/Ota Residence

3minutes on foot

Onfunayado Iroha

The former residence of Uoya Manzo, built 220 years ago. This is a machiya where Sakamoto Ryoma held negotiations at the end of the Edo period. What was once unoccupied was revived in this age with the cooperation of many, including an animation director Hayao Miyazaki.

Onfunayado Iroha
Onfunayado Iroha
Onfunayado Iroha

5minutes on foot


Our workplace is located in the mountainsides overlooking the Tomonoura region.That is where the main store of “Tomonoura Taisho-no-Sato” that offers Amo delicacies is located.The craftsman house was built to showcase our work.The Japanese tiled-roofs and white plaster walls are all hallmarks of storehouses of the beaches during the Edo period. We wanted to share the culture of Setouchi and its wonders with as many people as possible.


1minute on foot

Okamoto Kametaro Honten

The original brewery of Homeishu and Hon-mirin (sweet sake). The company founded in the sake industry in 1855, and began making Homeishu in the Meiji period (1868 - 1912). Their large signboard with the dragon motif and the Kobizen pottery used for sake brewing were passed down from the Nakamura family, the original brewer of Homeishu, who had closed their business during the Meiji period. Both of them are worth a look along with the store, which is an important cultural property of the city, directly managed by the brewery.

Okamoto Kametaro Honten
Okamoto Kametaro Honten
Okamoto Kametaro Honten

6minutes on foot

Tomonotsu Museum

Encounter various “usual” things through the individual works of the self-taught creator

Tomonotsu Museum
Tomonotsu Museum
Tomonotsu Museum

4minutes on foot

MASUYA, a gift shop
featuring souvenirs and
household goods unique to
the Setouchi area

At Masuya Seiemon House, the safe room where Sakamoto Ryoma hid himself is open to the public. MASUYA is a gift shop in the doma area (space between indoors and outdoors) on the 1st floor. The shop features original goods with local motifs as well as items related to Fukuyama City and Tomonoura.

											a gift shop featuring souvenirs and household goods unique to the Setouchi area
											a gift shop featuring souvenirs and household goods unique to the Setouchi area
											a gift shop featuring souvenirs and household goods unique to the Setouchi area

Special Feature
on the Events
of the Tomonoura Area

Tomonoura Kanko Taiami

Tomonoura Kanko Taiami

In March 2015, the "Sea Bream Shibari Net Fishing Method" was designated as an Intangible "Folk Cultural Property of Fukuyama City" . Take a closer look while cruising the old-fashioned sea bream fishing using traditional fishing methods from the old days?

Fukuyama Tomonoura Bentenjima Fireworks Festival

Fukuyama Tomonoura Bentenjima Fireworks Festival

Fireworks such as starmines, quick‐firing style are launched into the night sky of Bentenjima floating in Tomonoura, and the colorful illuminations that shine on the sea create the unique atmosphere of a port town. Visit Tomonoura to enjoy the fantastic light competition.


Tomo Town Doll Festival

From February to March every year, heartwarming dolls adorn the streets of peaceful Tomonoura, where the atmosphere of the Edo period still lingers.

Otebi Shinji (a shrine ritual held on the night before the second Sunday in July)

Otebi Shinji
(a shrine ritual held on the night before the second Sunday in July)

It is an intangible folklore cultural asset considered as one of the three largest fire festivals in Japan that takes place at the Nunakuma Shrine in Tomonoura. Shrine parishioners carry blazing otebi (large torches) of about 200 kg to the hall of worship.

A moment of luxury at your dream suite.

Hotel Ofutei

Dance your palate to the fruits of Setouchi and feel engulfed in its incredible view spreading out before your eyes.Come be alone with the wind here in this resort. Comfortable lodging anywhere at the “Hotel Ofutei”

Hotel Ofutei
Hotel Ofutei
Hotel Ofutei